Discussing OBGYN Care

Two Signs That You May Need To Go Get A Mammogram

A mammogram is a medical practice where an x-ray exam is used to detect tumors and other changes in the breasts.  It's a vital tool that can go a long way toward assisting with the early detection of cancer.  Although it's recommended for women ages 45 to 54 to have a mammogram screening each year, with it tapering off to every two years after age 55, it's important for you to listen to your body so you will know if you need get the procedure done sooner or more often.  Use this information to learn more about the signs that it's time for you to get a mammogram. 

You Experience Pain In Your Breast Or Chest

If you find yourself dealing with an ache, throb or shooting pain that runs through your breast on an occasional basis, it's easy to ignore it and consider it to be a temporary thing.  However, failing to pay attention to this symptom may be the wrong move, since it could be the very warning sign that something is amiss.

The pain in your breast may be caused by small growths that have become lodged just behind your nipple.  Because some of these growths are so small, you may not detect them when you complete your regular breast self-exam, and it's easy to attribute this kind of pain to other factors. 

However, if you find yourself dealing with pain of this nature, it's best to make an appointment with an obstetrician or gynecologist right away so you can undergo a mammogram.

You Deal With Upper Back Pain

Another symptom pointing to the need to get screened for breast cancer is the presence of upper back pain.  This symptom can be especially easy to overlook, since some people may not see the connection between cancer forming in the breasts and pain being centralized in the back.

The reason why upper back and shoulder pain can point to breast cancer is because if the tumors forming in the breast push backwards toward the ribs or spinal column, the pressure will settle in the back.  Pain of this nature may not be relieved by therapeutic efforts because the real issue is not being addressed.

Rather than view these symptoms as something to be feared, they should be celebrated, because they are your body's way of communicating to you that something needs to be addressed.  If you notice any of these signs, get a mammogram as soon as possible.

For more information, contact Women's Care Inc or a similar organization.
