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Emotional Support For Menopause: Treatments That Can Help

Probably the most difficult aspect of menopause is the roller coaster of emotions that you go through. Not only are these emotional cycles hard on you, but they are also difficult on your family. You may think you have no other choice but to weather out the storm, so to speak, but there are actually several menopause treatments that can help you cope with the emotional aspects of menopause.

HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy)

Just as you may have taken a shot or pill to prevent pregnancy, you can do the same for menopause treatment. Your monthly cycle continues when you are on HRT, but your moods should gradually level out as your hormones stabilize. There are many other side benefits to HRT, too, including better sex and slowing down the aging process. You can either choose a pharmacologically-produced shot, patch or pill for HRT, or you can request the biologically-copied version of your own hormones to lessen side effects and encourage a natural acceptance by your body of this treatment.


While you may not actually be experiencing depression, an anti-depressant or mood stabilizer can be most helpful at this stage of your life. You may be a little bit sleepier than usual, depending on which medicine your doctor prescribes, but if you take it at night, you will sleep off this side effect and find that your mood is much more even in the morning. You do not have to take a mood stabilizer or anti-depressant indefinitely--just long enough to get you over the hump of menopause.

Avoiding Caffeine and Other Stimulants

Caffeine and other commonly-consumed stimulants can cause an uptick in mood swings, anger, hostility and down-swings when the stimulants wear off. During menopause, it may be very difficult to avoid caffeine and stimulants, but you may find that your mood is better on the days you do manage to avoid caffeine/stimulants. If you want to see if this DIY treatment would work for you, try going a few days without coffee or caffeinated tea to see if your moods improve. If you take medications that are stimulants, ask your doctor about stopping them to see how this affects your moods too.

Exercise, and Lots of It

Just as exercise was really good for helping you get through cramps and menstruation in your teen years, so too can exercise help you through menopause. Exercise already improves mood, whether you are having problems in that department or not. Find time to exercise for at least forty-five minutes a day as you go through menopause. You should see and experience results within just a few days.
